How to make pizza

Some of the information on this site is split into smaller articles, and it might be hard to find info if you just want to learn how to make pizza at home right now without having to make your own cheese or build a wood fired oven! Luckily making pizza is as easy or complex as you want it to be – the steps below take you through the process from start to finish, linking to more information about each step. Now get in there and make some pizza!

  1. Mix your pizza dough according to the recipe you have chosen.
  2. Shape the dough into balls and allow to rest for as long as directed in your recipe.
  3. 1 hour before starting to cook, preheat a pizza stone in your oven at the highest temperature possible.
  4. When the oven is properly preheated, take a dough ball and shape into a base.
  5. Place the base on a floured peel.
  6. Add toppings according to the pizza recipe of your choice.
  7. Slide the pizza from the peel onto the heated stone.
  8. Cook for 5-10 minutes, turning once during cooking if necessary. Optionally, turn on the grill for the last few minutes to really crisp the top.
  9. Enjoy!

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